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That's it! Thanks Everyone! GSB 2021 Overview

Writer's picture: Pete CrowcroftPete Crowcroft

Updated: Dec 4, 2021

When we compare with our first GSB in 2020, nearly all of our statistics* have doubled or come close to doubling!


2020: 91,359

2021: 183,986 (2.01x)


2020: 12,450

2021: 21,182 (1.7x)


2020: 2,131

2021: 5,789 (2.7x)

Participating Areas ( areas with >1 observation )

2020: 157

2021: 245 (1.6x)

*note - due to the nature of the iNaturalist platform, with species being revised and identified all the time, and new observers uploading observations during the survey period, the exact numbers will keep changing. These are roughly the numbers after the two-week upload period for the event.

We would like to thank all the iNaturalist users that helped to identify the observations of the GSB participants - at the time of writing, the 15 most prolific identifiers combine together for an incredible 45,500+ identifications! C. are:

lotteryd 5,521 tonyrebelo 4,457 diego_caballero 4,301 cesarmassi 4,138 alanhorstmann 4,056 dianastuder 2,973 charles_stirton 2,738 borisb 2,493 george_seagull 2,441 lrubio7 2,165 anabela2 2,146 lfperotti 2,132 lloyd_esler 2,090 lsueza 1,967 cobaltducks 1,963

Projects Areas with the most observations:

Project Areas with the most biodiversity observed:

Congratulates Cape Town and South Africa! You continue to set the standard for engagement in global bioblitz events. You have an amazing community of passionate biodiversity observers. In the coming weeks look for an article that goes into details about South Africa's secrets to bioblitz success.

We feel it is also important to also acknowledge the amazing efforts of the new and returning organisers who joined the Great Southern Bioblitz in 2021. Particularly those from Overstrand and eThekwini in South Africa, Tena, Ecuador and Nangak Tamboree Wildlife Sanctuary Thanks to the groups and organisers in Australia who all had a fantastic engagement with the bioblitz this year.

The most recognisable animal on earth?

But did you know..

There is an endangered African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus)

(Observation during the GSB by Andrew Hodgson - iNat user @hhodgson)

The most prolific observers (>1,000 observations) of the event were:

Top ten species observers:

The fierce battle for 1st place species observer between @thebeachcomber and @nicklambert will be discussed in a future article!

Thanks to every organisation that promoted the event. Thanks to the community groups, clubs, and societies that took part. This event would not be so successful without your participation!

Side Projects

Moth Night

Our side project observing the megadiverse group of moths over the GSB weekend resulted in some amazing finds from around the world. Nearly 2,000 observations of over 600 species have been recorded in this project. These projects are open for all observers, so we had some beautiful photographs of moths from tropical regions north of the equator, as well as many hundreds of species from the southern hemisphere.

For example, these observations from Thailand by iNaturalist user @natthaphat show the stunning colours and variety of the moths in this region. (Photos used with permission).

Natthaphat said that he is very concerned about the health of Doi Inthanon National Park in Northern Thailand where these photos were taken. He chose to observe here due to the high elevation, but he is noticing a decrease in moisture levels, continued land clearance for agriculture, pollution, and tourism pressure. Thanks, Nathaphat, for sharing these exquisite photos and making these important observations.

Look out for an article in the coming months highlighting some of the southern hemisphere moth observations during the GSB.

Seaslug Sunday

The second Great Southern Bioblitz saw the first 'Great Seaslug Sunday' another side project for the GSB and a collaboration between 'The Sea Slug Census' is a citizen science program in which volunteers photographically record observations of sea slugs during nominated events. What a great success with over 1000 observations of 311 species observed over the 4 days.

The Sea Slug Census is predominately an Australian driven project but we hope our partnership will help both projects expand across the southern hemisphere, and we hope to see many of these enigmatic group of organisms like this Mexichromis festiva from Diggers Camp NSW observed by profmollusc. Profmollusc has also provided a summary of our first 'Great Seaslug Sunday' here.

1 commentaire

Stephen Fricker
Stephen Fricker
27 nov. 2021

Great summary post Pete and a great effort by all! To double the number of observations is really something we should all be happy with!

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