This May 22 we commemorate one more day for the world's biodiversity

This coming May 22 we will be commemorating once again the international day of biodiversity with the slogan: "We are part of the solution" #ForNature The proposed line has been maintained since 2020 in order to continue remembering the need to know how to adapt to present and future challenges and the need to take solutions based on nature, especially in matters of climate, health, food safety, water and sustainable development. In addition to this, this commemoration should remind us that the 15th COP15 Conference of the Parties will be held in October, where the need to Meet the Aichi goals and strengthen the strategic plan for biodiversity will be ratified.

Photo 1. Boy scouts (cubs) Learning biodiversity monitoring techniques.
Credits: Ecology, Engineering and Society Research Group-UTP.
From the executive secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the invitation is extended so that the plan really is to work together to continue building a future of harmony with nature.
But how can we commemorate this important date?
Since the International Day for Diversity or Biological Diversity was proclaimed before the United Nations, it has been seeking to increase understanding and awareness in the world. One of the important objectives and to which we are called from the CBD is to generate interest in all types of public, highlighting the appreciation and value of the words "Biodiversity" and "Nature", however making it clear that they are not the same.
That is why this May 22, invites you from your social networks to commemorate this date not only highlighting the word "biodiversity", but also promoting actions in favour of it. It may be by inviting your acquaintances to recognize the importance of valuing biodiversity in their localities. For example, you can invite them to join projects such as the Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB) or for next year the City Nature Challenge (CNC) 2022. In addition to inviting, you can spread the way to use some technological tools so that any citizen can learn more about the biodiversity of their places of residence.
"We are part of the solution" is a slogan that invites us to take more personal and proactive action. We all owe our actions to our nature, because we are part of it.

Photo 2. Boy scouts (cubs) recognition of the biodiversity of wetlands.
Credits: Ecology, Engineering and Society Research Group-UTP
Another way in which we can continue to contribute is by weaving networks, continuing to build collectively, forging together to responsibly address environmental challenges as a society. This COVID-19 pandemic subjected us to different challenges and difficult moments, which made us take shelter in the green spaces of our cities, where we can at least breathe deeply and endure these difficult moments of confinement.
We must continue to believe and support the greening of our cities because in addition to being our lungs, they are the places that reconnect us. It is really a way to invest from all fronts, it is a safe and positive endeavour. Another way in which we can continue to contribute is by weaving networks, continuing to build collectively, forging together to responsibly address environmental challenges as a society. This COVID-19 pandemic subjected us to different challenges and difficult moments, which made us take shelter in the green spaces of our cities, where we can at least breathe deeply and endure these difficult moments of confinement.
We must continue to believe and support the greening of our cities because in addition to being our lungs, they are the places that reconnect us. It is really a way to invest from all fronts, it is a safe and positive endeavour.

Photo 3. Girls scouts surprised with the life in rivers and streams
Credits: Ecology, Engineering and Society Research Group-UTP
COVID-19 has shown that mental and physical health can only be achieved with a better world, that works for the common benefit and that seeks to solve these common challenges, where we are part of the solution.
Post a photo or video of yourself that shows how you are part of the solution.
Use the hashtags #BiodiversityDay and #ForNature #DiadelaBiodiversidad #PorLaNaturaleza
Commit yourself to being part of the solution and register your action through the Action Agenda for nature and people.
Share in networks so many activities, seminars, talks that will be held on biodiversity issues, locally, regionally or globally.