GSB2024 Banner contest

In the first year of the Great Southern Bioblitz the banner was made from a picture taken by Stephen Fricker GSB coordinator and cofounder while out on a hike with Seamus Doherty GSB cofounder and member of the coordinator committee.
The Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris) was chosen to represent the bioblitz because it is both a true southern hemisphere local, never being observed north of the equator, but also because it can be seen from the three continents and many of the countries that participate in the GSB. The banner was designed by PossumPete, cofounder and member of the coordinator committee, he also wrote a blog about the design, you can read about it here.

In 2022 the banner featuring a jacaranda was chosen a feature of spring in many parts of the southern hemisphere and a native of Argentina. The design was made by Seamus Doherty GSB cofounder and member of the coordinator committee.

The Idea of the 2023 banner was to feature the favourite records of the previous years event. The banner was designed by PossumPete, cofounder and member of the coordinator committee.
This year we would like to involve the participants of the GSB to develop a eye catching banner that we can uses to promote the event.
The goals of this contest are to:
Promote the Great Southern BioBlitz 2024
Engage a diverse range of people in the event
Create a visually appealing and informative banner that accurately reflects the event's goals
Target Audience
The target audience for this contest is anyone interested in the natural world, including:
Scientists and researchers
Local residents
Visitors to the region
Submission deadline: February 28, 2024.
Judging: March 1-10, 2024.
Announcement of winners: March 10, 2024.
Entry Requirements
Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
Entries must be original and unpublished.
Entries must be submitted in either .jpg or .png format.
Entries must be at least 1,200 pixels wide and 600 pixels high.
Entries must include the following information:
Artist's name
Contact information
Judging Criteria
Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
Creativity: The entry must be visually appealing and original.
Accuracy: The entry must accurately reflect the goals of the Great Southern BioBlitz 2024.